Advertise with us and reach highly qualified in-market Texas wine lovers!

  • Basic


    + Gold medal wines listed on website.

    + Wine product listing page.

    + Winery profile page.

    + Buy link direct to website.

    + Link to Map directions.

    + Customize product image.

    + Customize winery image.

  • 🏅 Gold


    + All Basic FREE features.

    + Multiple product images.

    + Custom product description.

    + Multiple winery images.

    + Custom winery description.

    + Promoted & featured wines.

    + Social media links.

    + Social media mentions. (1/mon)

    + Blog post mentions. (1/mon)

    + Annual Year in Review Report.

  • 🏅🏅 Double Gold


    + All Gold features.

    + Promoted & featured winery.

    + Winery cross promotion on area Top 12 List.

    + Ad on related product pages.

    + Ad in email newsletter.

  • 🏆 Best in Class


    + All Double Gold features.

    + Homepage promotions for products.

    + Homepage promotions for winery.

    + Custom Ad on homepage.

    + Custom Ad in email newsletter. (1/mon)

    + Blog post about each gold medal wine. (1/mon)

    + Blog post about winery experience. (1/yr)

Any Wine travel related business (transportation, lodging, food, etc) can advertise on this site and get custom advertising in the locations provided at each advertising level.